Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's that time of year.

The past two days have been filled with some WONDERFUL weather. It's starting to feel a little bit less like summer, and a lot more like fall.
Fall is and has always been my favorite season of the year for many reasons:
-wonderful temperatures outside
-the changing color of the leaves
-hay ride
-Thanksgiving (my FAVORITE holiday)
This year fall is bringing a new addition to my family. It's bringing a new baby boy with it, and for that I am the MOST excited for fall!

It also seems to be bringing with it a sense of cleaning and organizing. I'm not sure if the fact that I only have 5 WEEKS left before there is a little baby in my house, or the fall season, but I have been CLEANING and organizing our house like something serious!
I have also talked over with my husband and we have made some decisions about things we are going to be changing in our daily life before the baby is here. We are going to get rid of our satellite television, and are planning on moving the television out of the living room altogether. I think this is the biggest decision we have made so far, but there are many more to come. I don't want my child to grow up watching the filth on television and in movies. I know I can't protect him from the evil world we live in completely, but I can take a stand and show him that his parents aren't going to support the evil world coming into our home through television and the media. Since I can't have him live in a bubble, I must try and make my home a "bubble" of safety and putting God first.
All this has led me to realize I have a lot to change in my life to make myself a better person for my children and my family.
I just can't believe I only have FIVE weeks left. I am so nervous, and so VERY excited I can't stand it! I just pray I can be the parent that I need to be to help my child get to Heaven and bring many others with him.
I'm praying now for a safe and healthy delivery for this baby boy. I will try and keep this updated as it gets so much closer to his arrival!

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